We've been cruising along for the last two weeks.
A few fun highlights from this week
- We made recycled crayons - The kids thought it was great. We've had a bucket of broken crayons that I have said we are going melt down but it never gets done.

Next time we are going to sort them by colors and use candy molds to have fun shapes. This time it was spur of the moment so I just used my mini muffin pan and we had crayon coins.
- Tuesday we did our first real lesson with RSO - Life. We did a plot study looking for living and non-living things.
School Progress
- D memorized his second poem for First Language Lessons - Work
- In Writing with Ease D is getting better at Narrations and instead of trying to tell back the whole story he is giving two sentences about the story.
- We need to review his handwriting more. I'm having to correct his letter formation more than I should. So I am going to order an additional Handwriting without Tears book for him to work through.
- He's flying through the beginning of Singapore 2A. We got to Addition with Renaming and he surprised me with already having figured out how to do it. I gave him the problem of 36+28 to show him how to carry the 1 over. I asked him what 6 +8 was and he thought about it for a minute and said to me "That's easy! The answer is 64 - why are you asking what 6+8 is?" I guess we don't have to do much work in this section before we move onto Subtraction with Renaming.
- After a bit of coaxing he is starting to like History Odyssey and Story of the World. I have found that I have to ask him questions after every couple of paragraphs or it all goes in one ear and out the other.
Next week he has camp at the science museum - Icky Sticky and Gross - Sounds like a young boys dream class.
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