A few random pictures from our week -

An update on what D accomplished last week
Reading - Still working our way through OPGTR. Wish we could move through this faster but D doesn't really like it so even though we could get through 2-3 lessons a day he drags his feet so most days we only get through one unless it is a really short lesson and then I throw in 2
Phonics - Now that we are doing syllables in AAS we went back to finish up the 2nd half of book 4 where we stopped last year. We are currently on Lesson 7. I'm hoping that getting through these next couple of lessons in ETC will get him more confidently reading multi-syllable words.
Spelling - Last week we started Step 6 of AAS Level 2. We had a short day of school on Thursday so we didn't get that step finished so we will move it to this week.
Math - Finished up the Unit on Addition and Subtraction within 1000 in Singapore 2A - Worked on the IP problems from that Unit as well
History - History Odyssey - Sumerians - Read about the Sumerians in STOW - Also did math umerian Style. We built our own Lego Ziggurat. This week we are making our own clay tablet and recording observations about nature like the Sumerians did.
Science - Talked about cells and looked at an egg as a giant cell. This week we will be making edible jello plant and animal cells.
Spanish - We also started watching Salsa on PBS
Required Reading - This week Drew read aloud Nate the Great and Nate the Great goes Undercover.
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