Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekly Update - August 8th - 12th

A few pictures from our week - Sorry not many didn't pick the camera up much this week

I really need to remember to write these update posts at the end of the week rather than waiting until I have time on the weekend. By then I can't remember anything that we did! I do remember that this week was full of outings!

Monday was back to school for most of the kids in our city so we celebrated by spending the morning playing outside. It was also the first morning in weeks that it was cool enough to play for awhile without being miserable. After we played outside for awhile and were completely covered in chalk dust I loaded the kids up and we went and got donuts for a special treat before we started our work for the day.

Tuesday - We went to an indoor play place to meet some friends. The kids had a blast playing on the bounce houses and running around like maniacs.

Wednesday - D had soccer practice. Even though sitting through practice with the other 3 kids is hot and miserable... I love soccer - It makes all my kids sleep great that night!

Thursday - The one day of the week that we managed to stay home

Friday - Back to the indoor playground, out to eat and then off to the library.

What we accomplished this week

Reading - D continued to work his way through OPGTR. We finished Nate the Great Undercover and we are starting Amelia Bedelia. D seems to have kept a bad habit of guessing at longer words rather than taking the time to sound them out. We've been working on sounding out longer words and not just guessing at what they might be. He also has trouble with his eyes moving faster than his mouth and combining two sentences when he is reading out loud. So he will add in random words from the next sentence into the sentence he is reading.

Math - Finished up the IP problems for section on Adding and Subtracting within 1000. We started measurement using meters/centimeters. I also purchased the IP book for 1B and will have D start working 15 minutes a day on review using that book. I also got a trial of IXL for D to try and he has been enjoying playing on there. I think I will be purchasing a subscription for him soon

History - This week we finished up talking about the Sumerians and made a clay tablet to record our observations about nature. D decided to record the number of animals and people that we have in our house. He also wanted to make drawings of the vegetables that we are growing. We finished up our History pocket for the Sumerians as well.

Science - We never got around to making our edible plant and animal cells but we may try to do that this week. Instead we watched a video about cells on BrainPop and read Greg's Microscope.

Art - We finally started Artistic Pursuits K-3 book 1. I'll try to remember to take a picture of D's first drawing.

1 comment:

  1. We have those weeks, too. Sometimes it's tough to find the home in home school :)
