About Us

About the Crazy Crew

Jen - Married to E, Mom to 4, photography lover, animal lover, spends my days trying to keep the crazy crew in line, stays sane thanks to coffee nights out with some wonderful friends, loves learning alongside my kids.

D - (5/2005)  Young 2nd grader, lover of all things LEGO, Playmobil, or Wii.  The reason that we started homeschooling, my quiet sweet one, loves to learn new things... as long as it doesn't involve picking up a pencil.  You'll find him with a wii-mote in one hand and a book in the other.

S - (10/2007) - Missed K cutoff in our district by a month.  Lover of all things princess, barbie, or babydoll. You are just as likely to find her playing with her babies as you are to find her digging in the dirt with her brothers.  The only princess in a house full of boys. A little mommy to her younger brothers, and best friends with her big brother.  Shy in public, but has plenty to say at home.  STUBBORN!  Does things in her own time and her own way.

R- (4/2009) - He's the clown of the Crazy Crew.  Loves all things related to trucks, trains or diggers. Huge fan of Curious George.  Can destroy a room in 1.2 seconds. Keeps everyone on their toes.  Runs around the house singing his own version of the ABCs. Hates clothes.  Thinks his baby brother is a fun wrestling partner.

Little E - (9/2010) - Like most almost 2 year olds thinks the world revolves around him.  Fights with the big kids when they try to sit on my lap. Not into talking, but understands everything we tell him.  Loves his blankie, books, and sippy cup. Thinks cars are the best toy around

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